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2017-12-22 08:07| 发布者: 采编员| 查看: 348| 评论: 0|原作者: 但斌|来自: 新浪博客

摘要: 特斯拉三季度电话会议全文翻译稿 2017.12.22 特斯拉公司(NASDAQ:TSLA)2017年第三季度电话会议 2017年11月1日下午5:30 电话会议录音:http://t.cn/RlbACzN (以公司官网披露的录音资料为准) 英文原稿:http://t.c ...





电话会议录音:http://t.cn/RlbACzN (以公司官网披露的录音资料为准)

英文原稿:http://t.cn/Rlby5b5 (后文附有英文原文)


Jeffrey K. Evanson - Tesla, Inc.

Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.

Deepak Ahuja - Tesla, Inc.

Jeffrey B. Straubel - Tesla, Inc.

Doug Field - Tesla Inc.

Jonathan McNeill - Tesla, Inc.


Jeffrey K. Evanson - Tesla, Inc.

今天Elon Musk,JB Straubel, Deepak Ahuja和Jon McNeill也一同参加了会议。我们的第三季度业绩已经公告。本次电话会议,我们将讨论公司的业务前景,并基于我们的现状做出前瞻性陈述。由于存在一些风险和不确定因素,实际结果可能会有很大差异,包括我们最近向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中提到的那些事。


Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.

我现在是在Gigafactory开电话会议,因为现在公司最重要的产品Model 3的产能爬坡出现了问题,Model 3正式在这里生产。我一直习惯待在特斯拉存在最大问题的地方。我相信好的公司公司应该从生产前线就开始领先。我稍后会谈到一些Gigafactory的问题。

首先,给大家介绍下特斯拉的里程碑式的数字——我们已经累计交付超过了25万辆车,并在上季度创下了Model S和Model X的网络订单记录和交付纪录。


我们Model 3的生产每周都有显著进展。我们的供应链或我们的任何生产流程都没有问题。但显然生产中还是存在瓶颈,生产Model 3有数千道程序,而每一步我们都谨慎前行。

事实上,Model 3内部有10,000个不同的零部件,制造Model 3有成千上万道汽车生产工序,我们会和最困难的工序作斗争。所以尽管大多数人都觉得生产进展的非常好,但是还是有一些问题的。

我们已经深入了解瓶颈最严重的环节,我们预计在2018年第一季度末每周可以生产5000台Model 3,在这个宏伟计划中,这是一个相对较小的转变。Model 3是一个为期十年的计划,我们现在谈论的是10年计划中的几个月,这几个月产能如何相对来说这是无关紧要的。


我们通过改进机器人、缩短路径、强化工厂、在生产困难的地方添加额外的机器人等方式,使生产进程加快。速度是终极武器。而Model 3的设计意图在于其制造的便利性,与Model S、Model X相比,Model 3更容易生产。

到目前为止,Model 3生产的主要约束是电池模块的组装。电池模组制造有四个主要生产区域,3区和4区生产情况良好,1区和2区情况不佳。特别是2区,我们有一个系统集成承包商出现了问题,但是直到最近我们才认识到问题的严重性,这是一个非常复杂的制造过程。我们不得不从头开始重写所有的软件,并且重做了许多机电元件。




另外我想提一下,有很多有关特斯拉裁员的文章,这些都是非常荒谬的。世界上的每个公司都有年度绩效评估,我们的年度业绩审查具有极高的标准,这个标准远远高于其他汽车公司,这是因为我们需要与更大的汽车公司竞争。我们不能永远是一个与大公司具有相同技术水平的小公司。如果有两个水平一样的拳击手,一个大个子一个小个子,那大个子明显会打垮那个小个子。所以小个子拳击手最好有更多的技能否则就会被击倒,这就是为什么我们的标准很高。标准高不是因为我们对员工刻薄,是因为如果不提高标准,我们就会倒闭。尽管如此,在我们的年度绩效评估中,只有2%的人没有达到要求,这个大概是33000人中的700人,这是一个非常低的比例。 通用电气在很长一段时间内要求每年解雇10%的员工,不过不知道通用电气现在是否仍然这样做。



Q1:Elon,谢谢你带我们进一步深入讨论特斯拉的工厂和生产瓶颈。你们的这些行动是否会改变或者说如何改变Model 3的利润?特斯拉现在每周基本的产能和到2017年底你期望达到的产能是多少?谢谢。

A:我不想谈以一周为周期的东西,人们对周生产量解读过度了。现在有太多的不确定性,产能在垂直爬坡,并不能给出一个准确的四季度产能的数据。我对第一季度末的生产非常有信心,也许我预期产能的达成时间会来得更早。到年底将周产能将过千,但究竟多少很难说。每隔两三周,Model 3的产能变化都会非常巨大。Model 3的产能提升更像指数函数图,开始爬坡会很慢,后期的爬坡速度将十分惊人。Model 3的长期毛利我们有信心做到25%甚至更多。在材料成本或制造费用、法律、间接费用或折旧或其他因素方面都没有因为这几个月的突发状况而改变。

Q2:Elon,你描述了Model 3,把其比作“生产地狱”,在生产过程中我们要解决的问题比即将产生的问题更多吗?

A:让我们假设第9级是最差的。我们曾在第9级,但我们现在正处于第8级,或者可能更像是第7级。在三四周之前,当我意识到我们在第9级的时候真的很沮丧,然后我们现在达到了8级,现在我可以看到一条阳光之路。所以我现在觉得很乐观,如果你在3周前和我讨论这个的话,我会相当悲观。 但现在我们需要做什么很明显,就是每周工作七天来生产。我曾在星期天凌晨2点,帮助区域2的模块生产线机器人校准。所以我正在尽我所能,JB也在尽其所能。整个团队都在努力,这些问题或许会用更长的时间来解决。

Q3:在去年8月发行的2025年到期的担保债券会成为资产结构的永久性部分吗,还是只是用来资助解决与Model 3延迟相关的问题的?谢谢。

A: 这笔债务是8年的期限,而且银行在这段时间内确实给了我们这笔资金。

Q4:你们多次提到Model 3比Model S和Model X更容易制造,可以让我们了解一下这三种车型的产量和你们近期在努力达到的10倍产量之间的区别吗?

A: Model 3的自动化程度大大提高,但当自动化生产线出现问题时很难用人力来弥补。一旦产线完全建成,产能提升会非常明显,高自动化程度生产也是确保Model 3高毛利的重要因素之一。Model S和Model X,因为自动化程度低,可以通过提升劳动时间来实现高水平的生产。实现全自动化产线确实也很困难,需要大量时间去做编程工作。我们用来组装机器人所用场地面积大概是传统公司生产基地四分之一。我们做零部件的方式和生产设计都使得生产制造变得更简单。



Q6:首先祝贺你们取得里程碑式的成就。关于自动驾驶的竞争最近激烈了许多,我想问一下特斯拉的硬件能力。我们今天参加了NVIDIA举办的技术大会,NVIDIA的最新自主解决方案比Tesla的强10倍,他们说他们可以达到5级自动化, NVIDIA显卡每年的改善看起来真的很重要,Elon,你能否从硬件角度谈论你认为需要做什么来发展自动驾驶?


Q7:好的。你说Model 3的预收款余额增加了。你能告诉我们具体有多少吗?

A: 我们不会给出具体的数字,我们只给出合并的数字,您可以在我们的资产负债表上看到客户预收款。

Q8:关于第四季度和第一季度的季度现金流的问题。很明显,Model 3出产上有一些延迟,考虑到复杂性这是可以理解的。我只是好奇,因为特斯拉未来两个季度的现金流,会第三季度是相似的吗?这25亿美元的库存中有多少是你在第四季度可能卖出的成品?

A:随着Model 3的产能提升,我们的现金流量将在未来几个季度大幅增长或明显改善,这是Model 3为我们提供流动资金的良性循环。并且,我们支付供应商晚于客户支付资金给我们。而且在本季度,我们的资本支出支付将开始下降,因为我们付清了接下来几个季度里所有Model 3剩余的相关资本支出。所以在未来两到三个季度应该有改善的趋势。


A: 首先,我们S和X的库存会下降,而且考虑到这些短期的延迟,我们必须谨慎地花钱。因此,我们正在管理资本支出和运营成本,以配合我们的发展。所以,例如,与我们的商店、服务中心或增压器相关的资本支出正在放慢速度。所有这些措施都将帮助我们节约现金流。

Q10:就Model 3增产而言,之前定下的在2018年某个时候达到每周10,000辆的目标完成得怎么样?现在是要超越了吗?以前投资者估计,如果能在2018年底达到这个目标,就可以产出超过25万辆汽车。如果能在年中达成这个目标的话,就会产出超过32.5万辆。基于目前的情况,对2018年产出的Model 3来说,全年产出量的合理期望值是多少?

A: 现在做出这个预估还太早了。但是,如果按第一季度末的5000辆/周的产能推算,我们有信心可以维持18年1w辆/周的产能。到Model 3产生足够的现金流的时候,我们确实需要对重大资本支出的支持。我们想弄清楚当前我们可以从现有的5000辆进步到多少,然后从中学习,以便重新设计更有效的资本支出。正如我们前面提到的那样,我们发现一部分生产线每周能够达到6000辆或7000辆,甚至更多。我们通过缩短路径长度,加快机器人工作速度,在生产瓶颈出处增加机器人,简化程序,重新设计部分生产环节,来显著改善生产周期时间。


A:到那时,我们可以对这些事情进行微调,但总体而言,我再强调一下,这些都是短期的问题,并没有改变我们对Model 3毛利率的长期预测。



Q13:另外一个问题是因为整改,Model S和Model X的毛利有所下降。我想知道,是否可以更明确地谈谈这个问题,还有会采取什么样的纠正措施?

A:Model S和Model X很大程度是停产整改。我们推出了100KWh的电池组的Model S,对应最大续航里程是335英里。因此,我们不再使用90千瓦的电池组,但对应的成品车都在库存中,我们会降价清空。这是毛利率下降的一个原因,我们以后不会再重蹈覆辙了。除此之外,我们确实卖了更多的100千瓦的车,比我们预测的要多,但是75千瓦的订单上涨更快,这也对毛利产生了影响。随着对100KWh车型的需求量的上升,第四季度和明年第一季度的毛利率将有所增加。我们在第二季度100KWh车型的成功生产,在第三季度推动了强劲的需求。我们也只是增加了Model S和Model X的价值量,特别是S,我们希望Model S和Model 3之间有更大的区别。因为Model S包含了更多的内容,所以Model S基本成本有所上升。例如,完整的Model S有空气悬挂,许多优秀的元素被设计在里面了,以便更清楚区分Model S和Model 3的定位。市场对Model S的需求反应非常强烈。在第三季度,美国Model S车销售量超过奔驰S级车销售量的两倍。我们的销量超出了奔驰S级车,再加上奥迪A7和A8,宝马7系和保时捷Panamera的销量总和。所以市场确实对增加的价值做出了回应。

Q14:S 和X的市场份额都上升了吗?

A: 跟第二季度相比Model S和Model X的市占率有所上升。有人问到为什么我们减少S和X的生产,实际上我们并没有减少很多,只是从每周约2,000台下降到1,800台,我们这样做是为了消化库存,因为库存实在太高。此外,我们想从Model S和X产线中抽调第三班人手去Model 3线上。同时,我们也提高了S和X的生产效率。以前每周做2000台时需要三班轮班。如果将产能提升到2500台/周,将需要一堆资本支出。所以我们规划S和X的产量每年约为100,000台,并调整供应链。但是我们希望继续提高S和X生产线的生产效率,预计明年将产能从1800每周提高到2000每周,仍然用两班人手,这意味着生产每辆车的劳动时间在减少。但是,我们希望第四季度比第三季度卖出更多车,以减少Model S和X的库存。

Q15:如何解释明年的高水平资本支出,为了提升Model 3产能到一周10000辆吗?而且还有报道说你投资了另一家中国工厂。所以2018年的资本支出会比2017年低吗?

A:到下个季度我们公布完整的2018年工作计划时再回答这个问题更好,那时我们根据计划中不同部分能够给你关于我们资本支出更清晰的解答。我之前提到,在花钱之前我们先要确定好对产能的提升的程度。我们会观察现有Model 3产线的情况,选择最具效率的生产线,未来加以复制。我们现在是在黑暗中射击,找不到目标。 特斯拉在2019年以前不会在中国有重大的资本支出,至少2018年不会有实质性的资本支出。现在在中国的规划是为三年后在中国开展生产而粗略选择的目标,主要用于服务中国市场,或许也会辐射部分其他亚洲国家。这家工厂将来为当地市场生产Model 3和Model Y,不会生产Model S和X。只有在中国建设工厂,才能为当地提供真正具有经济性的车型,但这一方案在三年后实施。






A:在目前继续增长的情况下,我们应该谨慎地全面考虑问题。确实,我们想保证有足够的资金支撑高速增长。在汽车工业中这样的增长率是疯狂的。特斯拉比福特增长最快时期的增长率还要高,我们现在的增长率差不多每年是70%-80%。下一年度将更高,我们的增长率将持续惊人。这样下去,特斯拉将成为世界上最大的汽车公司,在产量上也是如此。Model X用了一半的时间内就达到了Model S的需求量。Model 3的需求量将会是Model S 的5倍。

Q19:你谈到一旦Model 3的销量上去你就能够很快产生现金流。表面上来看,只要你达到特定产能水平,现金流就不成问题,但是你并不急着达到那样的水平,我对此感到很惊讶。在这方面有什么问题吗?我很难理解为什么你不想尽快快速扩大规模增加销售量,产生正现金流。





A:我认为您所看到的是,随着我们增加Model S和X型以及Model 3的规模,我们希望在需求出现时基础设施服务能够跟得上,因此在其中增加固定资产投资。就传动系统而言,您提到的传动系问题现在看来很少出现,S型和X型的可靠性不断提高。上个季度,CPO业务贡献了约2.38亿美元的收入,我们预计到2017年将达到10亿美元,同时,业务也在快速增长。我们自己也在做CPO的整修,整修系统和为汽车服务的基础设施是同一个,因此整修系统的成本也就是这么一点点。

Q22:我想了解一下Deepak的账务处理问题,例如在第二季度生产的这100多辆P100D汽车,Musk先生谈到它们被计入贷款科目的情况下,能否说下贬值问题? 当他们被转让出售时,会计怎么处理的?


Q23:您还提到了焊接和最终装配的限制。 装配步骤显然是给其他地方带来限制的。我想知道你是否可以谈一下焊接,以及当你达到你的年终运行率时,整个生产线的不同部分之间是否仍然存在差异? 或者你认为一切的成本都将在大致相同的水平?

A:焊接的影响与Gigafactory生产限制的影响在不同水平,但焊接是整个装配线中更复杂的部分之一,影响也不像PACK那样大。我们正在增加数机器人来解决焊接问题,这是我们整个生产线中最重要的机器人聚集区。这部分问题也在好转。我们正在建造的机身质量优良,测试中冲击性能表现非常好。 我们每天都在大量生产这个,并且领先于生产线的其余部分。


A:与第一阶段相比,我们下一阶段的资本支出的效率将会大大提高。速度是创新或生产的最终武器。而且我们正在将可操作机器人的速度推到极限,并且要求我们供应商让机器人发展更快。因此资本性支出的效率非常关键。 显然,我们将要设计大量的机器人元素,以及机器人内部元件。但现在的供应商反应太慢了。

Q25:你能谈谈从租用形式购车比例吗? 能谈一谈你为什么觉得有必要在降低价格的同时增加Model S和Model X的价值?

A:比例大概是5%。就价格而言,X型是一直以来被认为跟其他机型相比有更大的降价空间。100KWh的车型因为产能限制价格偏高,但我们不希望这样,所以把价格降低一些, 然后将一些Model S的内容加进去。因此我们认为价格偏高时,我们主动降价,然后添加一些新功能,这样才能有明确的区分。 我们不太清楚市场对Model 3的反应是什么,我们的估算也不正确。

Q26:关于中国的战略的问题。Model 3产能爬坡对永磁体需求也急剧上升,基于中国的出口限制和在采矿方面环保的要求,在中国市场布局采购以保持Model 3供给的增长有多重要?

A:我们更多是从需求方面考虑中国。我们正在建造完整的汽车产业链,并将产品通过海运送到全世界最大的电动汽车市场。确保我们能占据中国市场、避免让消费者承担进口关税、让Model 3在中国更有经济性,才是我们中国建厂的初衷。而在中国采购原材料相比之下不是那么重要。

Q27:我意识到这块不是你们关注的焦点,此前预期的太阳能在下降,那么你们觉得何时可以再次开始增长? 这可以归功于太阳能屋顶的功劳吗? 还是基于销售变化? 今年到2018年的储能的跨越是否会受到Model 3的约束呢? 或者还是在自己独立的轨道上运营?

A:我们认为太阳能需求会反弹,因为我们将太阳能销售转移到所有的商店,这是一个更有效的需求生成渠道。我们有信心未来太阳能屋顶需求巨大。 我们也正在通过太阳能瓦片的审核。我的房子里就有太阳能屋顶瓦片,他们的存在很弱,因为与屋顶融合得很好。太阳能屋顶产品预计能够持续工作至少25到30年。我们尝试在六个月的时间内,做太阳能屋顶的加速实验室测试。让这些业务滚动只需要一点时间,但一旦滚动,它将成为一个巨兽。而且我们在早期的客户家中继续安装试点工程。 未来还有很多其他项目。而今年底,我们仍然打算在布法罗的大部分生产线上开始最终生产,这部分的产生会与Model 3的生产隔开来。储能产品也正在增长。为了完成南澳大利亚项目,我们还是要做更多准备的,包括在波多黎各和加勒比地区的部署。所以储能业务与电动车的生产是完全分开的。而在未来路上,会有一些电池的冲突问题。我们现在专注于改进Model 3的产线。在同一建筑物中的电池PACK产线现在是完全独立的。


Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) Q3 2017 Earnings Call

November 01, 2017 5:30 pm ET


Jeffrey K. Evanson - Tesla, Inc.

Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.

Deepak Ahuja - Tesla, Inc.

Jeffrey B. Straubel - Tesla, Inc.

Doug Field - Tesla Inc.

Jonathan McNeill - Tesla, Inc.


James J. Albertine - Consumer Edge Research LLC

Adam Michael Jonas - Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC

Benjamin Joseph Kallo - Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc.

Romit Jitendra Shah - Nomura Instinet

John Murphy - Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Ryan Brinkman - JPMorgan Securities LLC

Alexander Eugene Potter - Piper Jaffray & Co.

Rod Lache - Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.

Antonio M. Sacconaghi - Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. LLC

Brian A. Johnson - Barclays Capital, Inc.

Joseph Spak - RBC Capital Markets LLC

Colin Rusch - Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.

Robert Cihra - Guggenheim Securities LLC


Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for your patience. You've joined the Tesla Motors Third Quarter 2017 Financial Results Q&A Conference Call. At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode. Later we will conduct a question-and-answer session and instructions will be given at that time. As a reminder, this conference maybe recorded.

I would now like to turn the call over to your host, VP of Investor Relations, Mr. Jeff Evanson. Sir, you may now begin.

Jeffrey K. Evanson - Tesla, Inc.

Thank you, Latiff, and good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Tesla's third quarter 2017 Q&A webcast. I'm joined today by Elon Musk; JB Straubel; Deepak Ahuja; and Jon McNeill. Our third quarter results were previously announced in the update letter we published at the same link as this webcast.

During this call, we will discuss our business outlook and make forward-looking statements. These comments are based on our predictions and expectations as of today. Actual events or results could differ materially due to a number of risks and uncertainties including those mentioned in our most recent filings with the SEC.

During the question-and-answer portion of today's call, please limit yourselves to one question and one follow-up, so we can get to everybody in the queue.

Before we jump into the Q&A, Elon has some opening remarks. Elon?

Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.

So, sorry, one minute, I have a bit of a cold, so, yes I'm actually – we're doing this call from the Gigafactory because that's where the production constraint is for Model 3, the most important thing for the company, and I always move my desk to wherever – well, I don't really have a desk, actually. I move myself to wherever the biggest problem is in Tesla, so I'm at – I really believe that one should lead from the front lines and that's why I'm here.

I will go into some of the Gigafactory issues later in the call, but I'd like to start off by acknowledging some I think pretty amazing milestones for Tesla. One thing that I thought was really profound was that we surpassed cumulative deliveries of vehicles. We surpassed a 0.25 million cumulative deliveries since the company's inception and had record Model S and Model X net orders and deliveries last quarter, so things are really going quite well.

To put that into perspective, five years ago we had only delivered 2500 cars, so the Tesla fleet has grown by a factor of 100 in five years. I would expect five years from now to be at least an order of magnitude beyond where we are right now and possibly even close to two orders of magnitude. But for the skeptics out there, I'd like to say – ask them which one of you predicted that Tesla would go from 2500 units delivered to 250,000 units delivered now. I suspect the answer is zero.

So consider your assumptions for the future and whether they're valid or perhaps pessimistic.

So for Model 3, we continue to make significant progress each week. We've had no problems with our supply chain or any of our production processes. Obviously, there are bottlenecks. There are thousands of processes in creating the Model 3, and we will move as fast as the slowest and least lucky process among those thousands.

In fact, there's 10,000 unique parts, so to be more accurate, there're tens of thousands of processes necessary to produce the car. We will move as fast as the least competent and least lucky elements of that mixture. So while the vast majority are going incredibly well, there are some problem areas. After I give the business overview, I'll do a deep dive into the biggest problem area.

So, based on what we know now as we've gotten really into the details of some of the worst bottlenecks, we expect to achieve a production rate of 5,000 Model 3 vehicles per week by late Q1 2018, so probably sometime in March. I think in the grand scheme of things this is a relatively small shift, the Model 3 is a 10-year program, and so we're talking about a few months out of a 10-year program. It's in the grand scheme of things net present value calculation, this is immaterial.

And we have a clear path to that. We understand the bottlenecks. It's difficult to fully understand these things but we actually try to do them. And it's worth noting that some of our manufacturing areas we're actually seeing capabilities that we estimate in the 6,000 unit to 7,000 unit per week capability, well in excess of the 5,000 unit capability and we're optimistic with further optimization that many of our production processes will meet very little and in some cases no, so I'm not saying no, but almost no CapEx to reach something close to 10,000 units a week.

It's remarkable how much can be done by just beating up robots, shortening the path, intensifying the factory, adding additional robots at choke points and just making lines go really, really fast. Speed is the ultimate weapon. And the design intent of the Model 3 being that its design manufacturability is turning out to be accurate, it is far easier to build this car than a Model S, and vastly easier than a Model X.

The primary production constraint really, by far, is in battery module assembly. So a little bit of a deep dive on that. There are four zones to module manufacturing it goes through four major production zones. The zones three and four are in good shape, zones one and two are not. Zone two in particular, we had a subcontractor, a systems integration subcontractor, that unfortunately really dropped the ball, and we did not realize the degree to which the ball was dropped until quite recently, and this is a very complex manufacturing area. We had to rewrite all of the software from scratch, and redo many of the mechanical and electrical elements of zone two of module production.

We've managed to rewrite what was about 20 to 30 man years of software in four weeks, but there's still a long way to go. Because the software working with the electromechanical elements need to be fabricated and installed, and getting those atoms in place and rebuilt is, unfortunately, a lot longer, and has far more external constraints, than software.

This is where I spent many a late night on the Gigafactory working on. JB has been here constantly, and we reallocated many of our best engineers to fundamentally fixing zone two of the module line, and then is zone one.

On the plus side, we now have a very detailed understanding of what is necessary to fix zone one and zone two. We also have a new design for zone one and two that is about three times more effective than the car design. So when we put in – and there are three lines of module production. Lines one, two, and three are essentially identical.

Line 4, which will be the new design, will be at triple the effectiveness of – will be as good as the other three lines combined. So we're very confident about a future path of having incredibly efficient production of modules, and that this will not be a constraint in the future but, unfortunately, it just takes some amount of time. This is like moving like lightning compared to what is normal in the automotive industry. There's still some finite amount of time necessary to fix something that we thought was in good shape. We were told by our supplier it was in good shape, but was really not. So this has now been classified Tesla's internal automation group in the U.S. – and Tesla Automation U.S. and Tesla Grohmann from Germany, we have a large team from Tesla Grohmann also working the issue, and making very rapid progress.

And like I said, I am personally on that line, in that machine, personally where I can. And JB is basically spending his life at the Gigafactory. So that's the sort of deep dive on that front.

The other thing I want to mention, there are a lot of articles about Tesla firing employees and layoffs , these are really ridiculous. And any journalist who has written articles to this effect should be ashamed of themselves for lack of journalistic integrity. Every company in the world, there's annual performance reviews. In our annual performance review, despite Tesla having an extremely high standard, a standard far higher than other car companies, which we need to have in order to survive against much larger car companies; you can't be a little guy and have equal levels of skill as the big guy.

If you have two boxers of equal ability and one's much smaller, the big guy's going to crush the little guy, obviously. So little guy better have heck of a lot more skill, and that is why – or he is going to clobbered. So that is why our standards are high. They're not high because we believe in being mean to people. They're high because, if they're not high, we will die. Despite that, in our annual performance reviews, only 2% of people didn't make the grade. So that's about 700 people out of 33,000. This is a very low percentage. GE, I don't know if they still do, but they certainly for a long time had a policy of firing 10% of their employees performance every year, no matter what.

If you were to stack Tesla's performance later releases compared to other companies, the number would be low. So the only reason these articles had any play whatsoever is because journalists and editors with low integrity, they'll provide any context for where they stood because the actual article would've read, Tesla fires 2% of its employee base for performance-based reasons, a remarkably lower number compared to other companies. But of course, that would be a meaningless article, so they forget to include that. Shame. And then also, it was not reported that several thousand employees were promoted, and almost half those promotions were in manufacturing.

Right. I think, let's move to questions.

Jeffrey K. Evanson - Tesla, Inc.

Okay, Latiff, let's go to the question queue, please.

Question-and-Answer Session


Our first question comes from the line of James Albertine of Consumer Edge. Your line is open.

Q1:James J. Albertine - Consumer Edge Research LLC

Great. Thank you and good afternoon everyone. I wanted to ask with respect to – and Elon, thank you for doing the deeper dive into the zones and the bottlenecks. How does this change the trajectory or does it change the trajectory from a margin perspective on the Model 3? And then maybe as an aside, can you tell us where you are today on a production per week basis and where you expect to be by the end of 2017, just so we can get an idea of the ramp? Thanks.

Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.

I don't want to go into like the week by week stuff. The reason it's tricky is because people just read too much into it. The ramp curve is a step exponential, so it means like as you alleviate a constraint, the production suddenly jumps to a much higher number. And so, although it looks a little staggered if you sort of zoom out, that production ramp is exponential with week over week increases.

I'd like to state a number at the end of Q4, but there's too much uncertainty right now to give that with any precision. Now I do feel confident about the end of Q1, maybe sooner. But really, we're like in a vertical climb here. So it's really hard to say. Yeah.

Deepak Ahuja - Tesla, Inc.

And then also to your earlier point, Deepak here. It does not change any of our projections in terms of the long-term...

Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.


Deepak Ahuja - Tesla, Inc.

...target gross margin.

Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.


Deepak Ahuja - Tesla, Inc.

These are all short-term issues.

Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.

I mean, by the end of the year, it will be in the thousands. It's well advanced. Yeah. Yeah.

James J. Albertine - Consumer Edge Research LLC

I'm sorry, well into the thousands per...

Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.

Yeah. In the thousands by the end of the year. But where exactly, it's hard to say. And literally, if you move the calendar by, like, two or three weeks, you would see giant changes. So the quarter-to-date will fall somewhat sort of arbitrarily in that exponential curve. So even in a matter of a few weeks which would show a very different number people tend to extrapolate on a linear basis instead of an exponential. In fact, most people wouldn't know what exponential is.

So is it tends to be a straight-line extrapolation, but really on a very steep exponential. So it's really an S-curve. Yeah. So it starts off really slow and then it ramps very rapidly on an exponential basis. It does start to go sort of linear right in the middle and then it sort of asymptotes off at the target production capacity, really target a whole supply chain or factory for a given production capacity. And yeah, trying possible. We're highly confident of the long-term margin number of 25% or higher for Model 3. Deepak, I mean...

Deepak Ahuja - Tesla, Inc.

Yeah. None of our projections in terms of our material cost or manufacturing, legal and overhead or depreciation or the other elements have changed as a result of these last few months to modifying the target.

James J. Albertine - Consumer Edge Research LLC


Deepak Ahuja - Tesla, Inc.


Elon Reeve Musk - Tesla, Inc.


Jeffrey K. Evanson - Tesla, Inc.







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